Jade Stott Yoga
Ghosh Yoga Teacher UK

"For me your yoga practice is about the purpose behind each posture, exercise & breath practice so that we can dissect and engage specific muscles to work effectively in both strength & relaxation.”
Jade teaches from the lineage of Ghosh Yoga, trained under International Yoga Scholars & Acharya (Masters), Scott Lamps & Ida Jo of Ghosh Yoga. This is Jade’s personal passion to practice, study & share!
“Practice is about being specific in how we move, engage & relax to develop a consistent therapeutic practice”. Jade always ensures to add a good amount of healthy challenge to keep practice up-levelled as body & mind changes shape. “I encourage you to come to practice, do the work & find strengths and a sense of focus & calm personal to you”.
Jade started practicing Power Yoga in 2010 with the wonderful 1990's Power Yoga Videos of Bryan Kest in her home. After a couple of years and a decent horse riding accident she found that in-person classes were invaluable to her healing and that Bikram is what she connected with the most but also continued to enjoy Ashtanga-Vinyasa classes too. In 2019 her love of Bikram led her to Ghosh Yoga which has since become her absolute passion to practice and share. Having the support of practicing yoga when healing injuries (physical & mindful), Jade understands that knowing the intention of a yoga posture or exercise, greatly matters when seeking to rebuild strength in both body & mental wellness.
Jade also loves to share Ashtanga-Vinyasa and Gravity Yoga (Myofascial Release). Jade trained under Lucas Rockwood & Camilo Carreiro in 2017-2018 at Lucas' Yogabody studios in Barcelona and is now part of his international teacher team as an online mentor & assessor for yoga teachers in training. “Up-levelling & finding new depths for both students in their physical practice and those learning to teach is the greatest gift, it is a constant ‘paying it forward’ of something very special which helped me heal & continues to inspire me.”
[Left to right, inspirational teachers to Jade. Ida Jo & Scott Lamps Yoga Masters of Ghosh Yoga, Joseph Encinia International Yoga Champion, Lucas Rockwood & Camilio Carreiro Vinyasa Yoga Masters of Yogabody and Bryan Kest Vinyasa / Power Yoga Master]
What Jade shares:
An easy to follow approach to classic yoga
Mind-body wellness for everyone
Passion for yoga and a dedicated practice
Have questions? Reach out to Jade - info@jadestottyoga.com